Sunday, 16 March 2014

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Hello Lovelies!
Today the fabulous Keisha from The Chrysalis Gals nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger award. So thank you so much Keisha! I really appreciate it :) Be sure to check out her blog and give her a follow.

So the rules are ...
1. Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog.
2. Display the award on your post.
3. List the award rules so your nominees will know what to do.
4. State 7 things about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6. Contact your nominees to let them know you have nominated them. Provide a link to your post.
7. Proudly display the award logo (or buttons) on your blog, whether on your side bar, ABOUT page, or a special page for awards. 

Seven things about me...
1. One of my favourite things to do is sing, even though i'm not very good, I love singing! I'm always being told to shut up because sometimes I don't even know i'm doing it haha :')

2. I am currently a student at college studying English, History and Law. I'm in my final year and hopefully I will get the grades to go to uni where I will be doing a law degree.

3. My biggest fear is of mice and rats - I hate them so much.

4. My favourite colours are lilac, pink and as you can tell from this blog grey (some people may not like it but personally I feel it's a calm, clean colour)

5. I love reality TV like The Only Ways is Essex and Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

6. I have an obsession with bands (especially The Vamps)

7. I have a collection of over 60 nail varnishes.

I nominate ...
- Micaylah :  Beautys Blessings  
- Esmae : Esmae Treasures 
- May : La Vie en May
- Anika : Anika Miller
- Lydia : Blue Slushy
- Charlotte : Blonde Canvas 
- Georgina : Bright Light Beauty
- Clarissa : XOClari
- Soraya : Fashion Falsetto

Thanks to Keisha again, and thanks to everyone that reads my blog and follows me, it really means a lot when I read all your lovely comments :) 


  1. Nice post hun :)

    1. would you like to swap buttons hun?

      let me know xx

    2. For sure, I will add yours to my side bar now :) xx

  2. Thank you for the nomination :D Do you want to swap buttons? xx

    1. You're welcome lovely :) and sure I will add your button right away xxx

  3. Great answers...I enjoyed finding out a little more about you!

    Keisha xo

    1. Thank you! and thanks again for nominating me :) xxx
